June 2011
Eamcet 2011 Schedule
Posted on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 by SURAJ
EAMCET - 2011
EAMCET-2011 Schedule
Appearance of Notification | 10-02-2011 |
Date of commencement of sale of applications | 14-02-2011 |
Last date for Sale of applications at all Head Post Offices, main branches of Andhra Banks outlets and E-seva centres | 08-04-2011 |
Sale of applications at Convener's Office, Hyd | From 09-04-2011 to 05-05-2011 |
Last date for receipt of applications without fine: | 16-03-2011 |
Last date for receipt of applications at Convener's office only with fine of Rs. 500/- | 26-03-2011 |
Last date for receipt of applications at Convener's office only with fine of Rs. 1000/- | 08-04-2011 |
Last date for receipt of application at Convener's Office in person only with fine of Rs. 5,000/- | 07-05-2011 |
Last date for receipt of application at Convener's Office in person only with fine of Rs. 10,000/- | 19-05-2011 |
Issue of Hall-tickets at all Regional Centres (including holidays) | From 25-04-2011 to 2-05-2011 |
Date of Examination | 22-05-2011 |
Time of Examination Engineering Agriculture and Medicine | 10.00AM to 1.00 PM 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM |
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1. A Candidate shall be regarded as a local Candidate in relation to a local area
1.1 If he/she has studied in an Educational Institution or Educational Institutions in such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination as the case may be.
1.2 Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years in which he/she appeared, or first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination, he/ she has not studied in any educational institutions, if he/she resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he/she appeared, or first appeared, as the case may be.
2. A candidate who is not regarded as local candidate under clause (1.1) above in relation to any local area shall
2.1 If he/she studied in the educational institutions in the state for a period of not less than seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination as the case may be, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to
i. Such local area where he/she studied for the maximum period out of period of seven years.
ii. Where the period of his/her study in two or more local areas is equal, such local area where he/she studied last in such equal periods.
2.2 If during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he/she has not studied in the educational institutions, in any local area, but has resided in the state during the whole of the said period of seven years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to
i. Such local area where he/she has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years.
ii. Where the period of his/her residence in two or more local areas is equal such local area where he/she had resided last in such periods.
Local area in respect of Andhra University (A.U. area) includes Nagarjuna University area. In
respect of Sri Venkateswara University (S.V.U. area), it includes Sri Krishnadevaraya University area. In respect of Osmania University (O.U. area), it includes Kakatiya University area.
3. Candidates coming under any of the categories given below and not satisfying the
conditions mentioned in 1 or 2 above are treated as ‘Non-Local’ to all the three University
areas specified above.
a. Candidates who have resided in the state of A.P. for a total period of 10 years or more excluding the period of study outside this state.
b. Candidates either of whose parents has resided in this state for a total period of 10 years or more excluding the periods of employment outside the state
c. Candidates either of whose parents is employed in the State of A.P. in the State or Central Government Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi Government Institutions within this state, at the time of submitting the application
d. Candidates who are spouses of those employed in the State of A.P. in the State or Central Government, Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi Government Institutions within this state, at the time of submitting the application.
For full details refer G.O.No. 646, dated 10.07.1979.
Note: Blank proforma III is provided for submitting relevant information regarding Local/Non-Local status of candidates.
Posted in LOCAL / NON-LOCAL STATUS | No Comments
The qualifying percentage of marks in the Entrance Test is 25% i.e. 40 out of a total 160. However, for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, no minimum qualifying mark is prescribed. But their admission will be limited to the extent of seats reserved for such categories (vide G.O.Ms. No. 179, LEN&TE, dated 16.06.1986).
Posted in QUALIFYING MARKS | No Comments
Eamcet 2011 Ranking Criteria
As per G.O.Ms.No 165 dated 06-09-2007and G.O.Ms.No 8 (Amendment to the GO.Ms. No 16)
Higher Education Department, dated 27-01-2010, the candidates who have secured qualifying
marks in EAMCET and candidates belonging to the category of Scheduled Caste and Schedule
Tribe, for whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall be assigned ranking in the order of merit on the basis of combined score obtained by giving 75% weightage to the marks secured in EAMCET and 25% weightage to the marks secured in the relevant group subjects namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry of the qualifying examination.
For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student securing the same combined
score obtained as mentioned above, the tie shall be resolved to decide the relative ranking by
successively considering the following
i) The total marks secured in EAMCET
ii) The Marks secured in mathematics in EAMCET
iii) The marks secured in Physics in EAMCET
iv) The Percentage of Aggregate marks secured in the qualifying examination
v ) If the tie still persists the date of birth of the concerned candidates, the older being given
preference over the younger.
The weightage of marks in the case of candidates belonging to the category of Persons of Indian
Origin (PIO) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders, will be decided by a committee
constituted by the competent authority.
Additional ICR/OMR will be supplied for the candidates other than Board of Intermediate
Education, A.P. at the time of issue of EAMCET-2011 Hall Ticket. The candidates are required to fill in the ICR/OMR Sheet and submit along with attested photo copies of the marks memos of the qualifying examination that includes Bridge Course Marks Memo if any on or before 30th
May, 2011 failing which the rank will not be awarded.
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Eamcet 2010 Results Analysis
The Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education assigned the prestigious task of conducting EAMCET-2010 to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad vide Lr. No. APSCHE/CETS/EAMCET2010/Dec. dated 23-12-2009 for the consecutive 13th time.
The notification for EAMCET-2010 was released on 15th February, 2010 and the sale of applications was commenced from 22nd February, 2010. This time the sale of applications was done through Postal Dept., Andhra Bank, Eseva and AP Online.
A total of 3,86,469 applications were sold out of which 2,52,144 applications were sold through Postal department, 94,334 were sold through Andhra Bank, 34,510 through e-seva and 5,481 through AP Online.
A total of 3,83,985 candidates registered for the EAMCET-2010 examination. Out of them, 3,29,283 registered for Engineering and 54,702 for Agriculture & Medicine. The Hall Tickets were issued to 328979 for Engineering and 54615 for Agriculture & Medicine. A total of 24 Regional centres were identified out of which Medak and Vikarabad Regional Centres were added for the first time during this year.
The examination was conducted on 30-05-2010 from 10.00AM to 1.00PM for Engineering (E) stream and from 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM for Agriculture & Medicine (AM) stream. The Set Code ‘Q’ was selected for Engineering (E) stream by Sri M.V. Ramana Rao, Hon’ble Minister for Technical Education, Govt. of AP and the set code ‘S’ was selected for Agriculture & Medicine stream by Sri P. Sudarshan Reddy, Hon’ble Minister for Medical & Health. The Percentage of attendance for Engineering was 96.08 and for Agriculture & Medicine was 93.72. Both the tests consist of 160 multiple choice questions. Utmost care was taken to prevent malpractice and cases of impersonation with candidate specific OMRs and Nominal Rolls with photograph, Name and Date of Birth. A total of 11 malpractice cases (5 in Engineering and 6 in Agriculture & Medicine) were reported. The performance of these candidates in EAMCET-2010 examination has been cancelled as recommended by the malpractice prevention committee. The confidential work was started on 31-05-2010. The confidential team members have been drafted from various Universities and reputed Institutions. A total of 20,000 invigilators, 750 observers and 35 special observers along with flying squads monitored the smooth conduct of examination. Revenue, Treasury, Police officials, APSRTC, APGENCO, Education Institutions cooperated for smooth conduct of the Examination.
For the first time the centre name and address along with the phone number of the centre were communicated to the candidate through SMS to enable for easy identification of the centres and to avoid late entry into the exam hall. The candidates were informed through SMS for reaching the centre well in advance and that even one minute late was not allowed. This effort has been well appreciated by the candidates and their parents.
The Preliminary key committee involving 20 subject experts met on 1-06-2010 and 4-06-2010. The committee consisted of experts drawn from various Universities, Degree / Junior colleges and other private institutions.
The Preliminary Key was released on 5th June, 2010 and the last date for receiving the objections from students was on 12-06-2010. The Final Key Committee again met on 12-06-2010 and reviewed all the objections received from the students, Teachers, Parents, Press & Media thoroughly. Duly taking into account the objections the Final Key is being released.
The Expert Key Committee finally concluded that
i) All the questions are within the EAMCET-2010 syllabus except one question in Zoology
ii) Each question has exactly one answer
iii) All questions are framed correctly
iv) The standard of the paper is good and the questions are distributed covering the entire syllabus.
v) There are no errors in EAMCET-2010 Question paper for Engineering
However for Agriculture & Medicine streams, one question was
reported to be out of syllabus due to technical reasons.
In summary, the EAMCET-2010 Engineering Paper is an “Error Free” paper as promised by the EAMCET-2010 committee. However, the Agriculture & Medicine stream one question was deleted due to technical reasons and
finally evaluated for 159 marks. The Final Key was released on 16-06-2010 along with results at 9.00AM
by Sri M.V. Ramana Rao, Hon’ble Minister for Technical Education, Govt. of AP, Hyderabad along with the Results.
This year also weightage of 25% marks has been given to the marks obtained in the Qualifying Exam and 75% for marks obtained in EAMCET. The criteria for the ranking for Engineering and Agriculture & Medicine category is enclosed in Annexure-I.
The Analysis of EAMCET-2010 Results before ranking is presented in Annexure – II.
The following table gives qualifying exam wise candidates qualifed in EAMCET-2010.
The analysis of EAMCET-2010 ranks is presented in Annexure-III for both Engineering and Agriculture & Medicine. The list of websites which provide the EAMCET-2010 ranks is given in Annexure-IV. Toppers in EAMCET-2010 Ranks in both Engineering & Agriculture & Medicine are presented in Annexure-V. In Engineering stream, a total of 3,16,084 candidates appeared for examination, out of which 1,30,279 candidates belong to Rural Area (41.216%) and 1,85,805 candidates belong to Urban area (58.783%). 1,04,266 (40.184%) candidates qualified from rural area students and 1,55,202 (59.815%) candidates qualified from urban area students. In Agriculture & Medicine stream, a total of 51,185 candidates appeared for examination, out of which 25,746 candidates belong to Rural Area (50.299%) and 25,439 candidates belong to urban area (49.70%). 21,798 (49.045%) candidates qualified from rural area students and 22,646 (50.954%)candidates qualified from urban area students.
On behalf of the EAMCET-2010 committee and on my own behalf, I sincerely thank the Chairman, APSCHE, Principal Secretary, Higher Education, Director, Technical Education, Secretary, APSCHE and other officials of the AP State Council of Higher Education, Revenue, Treasury, Police Officials, APSRTC, APTRANCO, Educational Institutions, Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of JNTUH, Regional Coordinators, Chief Superintendents, Invigilators,
Observers and Special Observers for the smooth conduct of examination and successful completion of EAMCET-2010.
As per G.O.Ms.No 165 dated 06-09-2007and G.O.Ms.No 8 (Amendment to the GO.Ms. No
16) Higher Education Department, dated 27-01-2010, the candidates who have secured
qualifying marks in EAMCET and candidates belonging to the category of Scheduled Caste
and Schedule Tribe, for whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall be assigned
ranking in the order of merit on the basis of combined score obtained by giving 75%
weightage to the marks secured in EAMCET and 25% weightage to the marks secured in the
relevant group subjects namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry of the qualifying
For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student securing the same
combined score obtained as mentioned above, the tie shall be resolved to decide the relative
ranking by successively considering the following
i) The total marks secured in EAMCET
ii) The Marks secured in mathematics in EAMCET
iii) The marks secured in Physics in EAMCET
iv) The Percentage of Aggregate marks secured in the qualifying examination
v ) If the tie still persists the date of birth of the concerned candidates, the older being given preference over the younger.
The weightage of marks in the case of candidates belonging to the category of Persons of
Indian Origin (PIO) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders, has been decided by a
committee constituted by the competent authority. Additional ICR/OMR was supplied for the candidates other than Board of Intermediate Education, A.P. at the time of issue of EAMCET-2010 Hall Ticket. The candidates are required to fill in the ICR/OMR Sheet and submit along with attested photo copies of the marks memos of the qualifying examination that includes Bridge Course Marks Memo if any.CRITERIA FOR RANKING (EAMCET – 2010 “AM CATEGORY”) As per G.O.Ms.No 165 dated 06-09-2007and G.O.Ms.No 8 (Amendment to the GO.Ms. No 16) Higher Education Department, dated 27-01-2010, the candidates who have secured qualifying marks in EAMCET and candidates belonging to the category of Scheduled Caste and Schedule Tribe, for whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, shall be assigned ranking in the order of merit on the basis of combined score obtained by giving 75%
weightage to the marks secured in EAMCET and 25% weightage to the marks secured in the relevant group subjects namely Biology, Physics, Chemistry of the qualifying examination.
For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student securing the same
combined score obtained as mentioned above, the tie shall be resolved to decide the
relative ranking by successively considering the following
i) The total marks secured in EAMCET
ii) the Marks secured in Biology in EAMCET
iii) the marks secured in Physics in EAMCET
iv) the Percentage of Aggregate marks secured in the qualifying examination
v ) if the tie still persists the date of birth of the concerned candidates, the older
being given preference over the younger.
The weightage of marks in the case of candidates belonging to the category of Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders, has been decided by a committee constituted by the competent authority. Additional ICR/OMR was supplied for the candidates other than Board of Intermediate Education, A.P. at the time of issue of EAMCET-2010 Hall Ticket. The candidates are required to fill in the ICR/OMR Sheet and submit along with attested photo copies of the marks memos of the qualifying examination that includes Bridge Course Marks Memo if any.
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